This is your Morning Funk! Every weekday morning, this will be your place to find the top geek stories from around the internet. Today we have news from Neil Gaiman, Charlie’s Angels, Super Smash Bros. and more!

Deadline reports that the film adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s short story How to Talk to Girls at Parties has been picked up by distributor A24. The film’s cast includes Elle Fanning, Nicole Kidman and Alex Sharp and will be directed by John Cameron Mitchell. Gaiman is one of my favorite writers ever, and his short stories are some of his best work, so I’m curious to see how this film will turn out. This story in particular has a great twist that I won’t spoil here, and has the potential to be a very fun film. You can–and should–read the Hugo Award-nominated story for free at the author’s website.

elizabeth banks

Sony has plans to reboot the Charlie’s Angels franchise, and according to The Hollywood Reporter, actress-turned-director Elizabeth Banks is in talks to direct. Banks made her directorial debut with Pitch Perfect 2 this summer, which had the second biggest opening of all time for a female director. While I’m not a fan of Hollywood’s constant rebooting, I don’t mind seeing this one make a return, as there aren’t many female-driven action franchises out there with the name recognition that this one has. With the cultural push for more female representation in media, it seems like the perfect time to bring the characters back.

In our first of two Nintendo stories, we have new DLC for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS in the form of a stage based on the just-released (and just reviewedSuper Mario Maker. The stage takes the game’s endless possibilities to life by randomly generating a new layout every time players fight on it. The “hand” of the creator quickly builds the stage at the beginning of the match and even jumps in to repair any blocks that may be broken in battle. This is just the latest in a long stream of DLC that has been provided for Smash Bros. that has included classic N64 stages, new fighters like Ryu and Mewtwo, and even new costumes for Mii fighters. The Super Mario Maker stage will be available for download on September 30 for $2.49 on one system or $3.49 for both.

Have you ever wanted to see Pikachu perform a Stone Cold Stunner on Charizard? Well you’re in luck, because that’s exactly what happens in the new trailer for Bandai Namco’s upcoming Pokémon fighting game, Pokkén Fighters. The newest trailer focuses on the luchador-themed Pikachu character, who appropriately utilizes a distinctly pro-wrestling style as she tears through the rest of the roster. It’s a pretty entertaining trailer for that reason, but I’m still hesitant about this game due to the rather weak roster so far. I’m still hoping to see Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee make the cut, and maybe even Hawlucha, Snorlax, Scizor, Heracross and Pinsir, if they’re feeling generous. Pokkén Fighters launches on the Wii U in 2016.