This is your Morning Funk! Every weekday morning, this will be your place to find the top geek stories from around the internet. Today we have news from DC Comics, I Kill Giants, LEGO Dimensions and more!

Over the weekend DC Comics announced that five of their current ongoing series will be cancelled by the end of the year, and CBR has the report. Justice League United #16, Omega Men #7, Lobo #13, and Gotham by Midnight #12 will be those series’ final issues when they drop in December, while Doomed will end with its sixth issue in November. Most of these don’t come as much of a shock, given their sales, but what is surprising is DC continuing to break the promise of allowing their DC You titles twelve issues minimum. Prez has already had its run cut in half, and now adding Omega Men and Doomed to that, it’s become clear that DC had no intention of following through with the guarantee they gave to fans. I haven’t been reading any of the newly-cancelled titles, but as someone who has tried to give the publisher a second chance recently, I find this behavior incredibly disappointing. The DC You cancellations betray an utter lack of confidence in the material and an unwillingness to take risks with new voices. If the publisher can’t stand by their product, how can they expect readers to?


The Hollywood Reporter has the news that Zoe Saldana will be starring in the adaptation of Joe Kelly and Ken Niimura’s award-winning graphic novel, I Kill Giants. Saldana will be playing a school psychologist who tries to help a young girl named Barbara–played by Madison Wolfe–who is a the titular slayer of giants, imaginary or otherwise. The actress is no stranger to comic book adaptations, having previously appeared in both Guardians of the Galaxy and The Losers. Kelly wrote the screenplay and Chris Columbus is set to produce. This graphic novel has been on my to-read list for far too long, since I am a big fan of Joe Kelly’s comics, so I’m curious to see how this film shapes up.


Portland-based publisher Dark Horse Comics has named Dave Marshall as their new Editor-In-Chief, according to Entertainment Weekly. Marshall has edited a wide range of comics since starting at the publisher in 2004, including Star Wars, Conan, and BPRD, and looks to continue fostering that attitude across the company’s line.

“One of the things that I want to accomplish is to continue this trend we have of pairing industry veterans with young, fresh perspectives from junior editors. We’re looking at how teams are assembled so that you have both voices speaking to each other and contributing to a group of projects. I think that’s something Dark Horse has done well in the past, and something we want to strengthen and support for the future.”

Previous EiC Scott Allie will receive a promotion to Executive Senior Editor. He had been in the position since 2012.

The upcoming LEGO Dimensions video game from Warner Brothers Interactive and TT Games released a new trailer showcasing the massive voice cast for the game. The title will feature Chris Pratt and Elizabeth Banks will reprise their LEGO Movie (and Jurassic World, for Pratt) roles, Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd will voice their iconic Back to the Future characters, as well as actors from Doctor Who, Scooby Doo, Portal,  and many more. I was not planning on picking this title up, as it’s quite expensive, but I have to admit that this is possibly the most impressive voice cast I’ve ever seen for a video game. The number of franchises represented here is really incredible, and the potential for the series has barely been realized. LEGO Dimensions will be tempting me to starve for my love of little plastic bricks when it launches on September 27th for Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, Xbox 360 and PS3.