




DC Superheroes Meet Themselves and Deadpool Turns 25

Tonight CW wraps up The Flash’s two-part jaunt to Earth-Two, where Barry and his comrades will come into contact with their dimensional dopplegangers. To mark the occasion, I looked back on the storied history of DC Comics heroes doing just that, so head on over to Blastr to check it out. I run down some the best, oldest, and weirdest dimension-hopping tales in the DC multiverse, a few of which you probably haven’t heard of before.

New Mutants 98 1991

After you’re done with that, be sure to check out my other recent Blastr article, looking back on 25 years of everyone’s favorite Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool. He’s obviously having a big week, and I loved the movie–especially the cameo by Bob–so I had a lot of fun rummaging through lots of old Deadpool comics and looking at his rise to fame. You can find that article here.

Thanks for reading!

COCOA Reviews Star Wars: Vader Down, Mighty Thor, Huck, and Batman: Europa

Catch up on all the latest video reviews from the Central Oregon Comics Outreach Alliance!

I was absent this week, but Ashley, Phil and Chris gave their thoughts on the week’s books, starting with the latest from some obscure property called Star Wars with Star Wars: Vader Down #1.

Next up, they review another book from superstar writer Jason Aaron with The Mighty Thor #1!

Then they discussed Huck #1, the latest new series from Kick Ass and Civil War writer Mark Millar.

Finally, the crew debates homoerotic behavior between the Joker and Batman in Batman: Europa #1.

Be sure to catch up with all of COCOA’s videos at our YouTube channel and follow COCOA on Twitter @sipofCOCOA and on Facebook at

Afternoon Funk for 9/29/15: Batman Day, Bill Finger, and Comics’ History of Bad Contracts

This past Saturday, comic book stores across the country celebrated “Batman Day” by giving away free Bat-stuff in honor of the Dark Knight. It was only the second official Batman Day, this time celebrating the 76th anniversary (albeit a few months late) of Batman’s first appearance in Detective Comics #27. It was appropriate, then, that a little over a week earlier, DC Comics—and their parent company, Warner Bros.—finally reached an agreement with the estate of Bill Finger, Batman’s co-creator, to properly accredit him for his contributions. Up until now, Finger has never been officially acknowledged as a part of Batman’s creation, despite being crucial to the creation of Batman’s character. Due to a shrewdly written contract signed back in 1939, Bob Kane alone has been credited with the creation of the character. It is a sad state of affairs that it has taken so long to fix this, but unfortunately it is all too common in the comic book industry, which is why I’ll be taking this opportunity to dig in to this case as well as a few other infamously bad contracts.

Continue reading “Afternoon Funk for 9/29/15: Batman Day, Bill Finger, and Comics’ History of Bad Contracts”

COCOA Reviews Tokyo Ghost, My Little Pony, Bizarro, and Captain America: White

In this week’s video comic reviews, Phil, Justin and I go in depth on the intriguing future of Tokyo Ghost #1, get out of our manly comfort zones with My Little Pony #34, talk about what makes Steve Rogers work as a character in Captain America: White #1, and we not stay quiet about the terrible comic that am not Bizarro #4.

COCOA Talks Rose City Comic Con and DC Cancellations

This week on the Central Oregon Comics Outreach Alliance we have a smaller group than usual and a change in setting, but that’s due to our subject for this video: Rose City Comic Con! Justin and I discuss our experiences in Portland buying Valiant stuff, going to panels, and getting top-secret variants of The Beauty!

Then in our second video, we revisit a topic that I reported on last week, which is the early cancellation of titles from the DC You initiative. We have a range of perspectives on the subject, and discuss the ways that it reflects on DC as a company and the holes it leaves in their publishing schedule.

Thanks for watching, and be sure to follow COCOA on YouTube.

Afternoon Funk for September 17, 2015: Some Words on the Comic Book Industry

Today is a special afternoon edition of my regular Morning Funk feature. There have been several stories that have come out in recent weeks that have had me taking a hard look at the industry I aspire to work in. I intended for this to be in the regular morning edition, but had more thoughts on it than I expected, and it went a little long. If you aren’t interested, you can scroll to the bottom for my thoughts on The Jungle Book and Gambit, but if you have watched a comic book movie recently, you owe the creators whose work made it possible a minute or two of thought.

Continue reading “Afternoon Funk for September 17, 2015: Some Words on the Comic Book Industry”

Morning Funk for September 15, 2015

This is your Morning Funk! Every weekday morning, this will be your place to find the top geek stories from around the internet. Today we have news from The Jungle Book, Doctor Strange, Project Morpheus and more!

Continue reading “Morning Funk for September 15, 2015”

Morning Funk for September 14, 2015

This is your Morning Funk! Every weekday morning, this will be your place to find the top geek stories from around the internet. Today we have news from DC Comics, I Kill Giants, LEGO Dimensions and more!

Continue reading “Morning Funk for September 14, 2015”

Morning Funk for September 11, 2015

This is your Morning Funk! Every weekday morning, this will be your place to find the top geek stories from around the internet. Today we have news from Harley Quinn, Rocket Raccoon,  American Horror Story and much more!

Continue reading “Morning Funk for September 11, 2015”

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