I am Matthew Funk, and I will be your captain on this voyage into the mysterious realm of pop culture. NerdFunk is my place to provide what I hope will be a unique critical voice on the art forms I love, and to chronicle my personal quest on the road to becoming what I can only describe as a professional nerd.

I live in Bend, OR and am currently finishing up my degree in American Studies at OSU Cascades and work at my legendary local comic shop, Pegasus Books. In addition to that, I’m currently developing a comic series to pitch to publishers and artists in the coming months, my roommate and I are in the early days of the insane project of reselling a massive collection of comics out of the basement of the shop, and am participating in a local comic book podcast. That’s only a few of the delightfully geeky pies I have my fingers in, and you’ll be hearing about all of them in the coming days.

Old Comics

Along with my personal story, I’ll be providing daily entries recapping the nerd news worth knowing, reviews, essays and hopefully some video content in the future. I have a few guest writers lined up and hope to have regular columns from other contributors. I know a lot of talented and entertaining nerds, and intend for this to be a platform for all of them. If you have something to say about comics, games, movies, or anything else nerdy, send it in. I’d love to hear from you and you may end up on the site.

You can look forward to hearing about my recent trip to D23 Expo, as well as my upcoming one to Rose City Comic Con, a guest review of the new Metal Gear Solid, my thoughts on Ant-Man in all his forms, and seeing what I find at Force Friday this week. D23 Stormtroopers

I hope NerdFunk entertains, educates, and expands your perspective on pop culture, and I thank you for joining me on the ride. It’s about to get funky.

Matthew Funk runs NerdFunk, and is finishing a degree in American Studies at OSU Cascades. He has previously written for Bleeding Cool, Fables for Japan, and has self-published a comic anthology, “Blank Page Comics.” He has five years of experience talking comics and movies from behind the counter of comic book store Pegasus Books of Bend in Bend, Oregon. Follow him on Twitter @Professor__Funk (with two underscores) and on Instagram @Professor_Funk (with one underscore).